GFG, Gluten Free Goods
We prepare with attention and passion our gluten free deep-frozen products for those affected by celiac disease, or for those who suffer from sensitivity or intollerance to gluten or wheat.
GFG, Gluten Free Goods is born to come closer to the alimentar needs of celiacs and all of those who presents allergies or intollerances to gluten or wheat.
Our company is certified by the ministry of health and produces a lot of gluten free deep-frozen meat based products.
Our mission is to guarantee the pleasure of the taste of our deep-frozen meat based specialities. Easy and fast to cook, even to those that cannot take gluten ingredients, thanks to a production loop that avoids every contamination risk.

We want to be the best.We have all the qualities to be the best.

Food safety
We guarantee the best supervision on the ingredients and semi-prepared ingredients on the entire production loop, constantly monitoring our factory, the tools and the implants. In order to avoid products contamination by gluten.

First quality ingredients
We choose and use all first choice ingredients and semi-processed to produce our gluten free deep-frozen products, naturally gluten free, without preservatives, coloring additives and other chemical products.

Passion and dedication
Our choice to product gluten free deep-frozen meat based specialties arises from the desire to make the celiac food world simple and tasty, with a great variety of genuine and simple products, easy and fast to cook